The Helping Hand Fund is a sum of money set aside for the team to allocate towards the costs of attendees who would otherwise not be able to attend BiCon
If you think you or someone else could benefit from this then you can email us at helpinghand@deleted with appropriate details.
If you apply for funding giving us some additional information about why you need it will help us greatly when deciding on the allocation of funds. The more information given, the quicker we are able to process applications. If you only need partial support for BiCon, please let us know, as this will allow us to use money for someone else.
If you are unable to pay upfront and are applying for the helping hand fund we will accept your booking as provisional and finalise it when funding and payment (if any) has been agreed upon between yourself and the BiCon team. We will try and come to some agreement which is mutually agreeable.
The deadline for applications to the Helping Hand Fund is 16th May 2006. We are sorry that we cannot accept applications to the Fund after this date. Applicants will be contacted regarding the outcome of their application no later than week beginning 5th June 2006.
Some examples (which are by no means exhaustive) of situations where people might require funding are:
- People with access needs who require a personal assistant for the duration of their stay or to cover extra costs which going to a BiCon might incur.
- People who are bringing children and need help with the extra accommodation costs.
Donate to the Helping Hand Fund
Contributions to the Helping Hand Fund are most welcome – if by post, make cheques payable to "BiCon" and write "Helping Hand Donation" on the back of the cheque, and mail it to us at Bicon 2006, c/o Glasgow LGBT Centre, 11 Dixon Street Glasgow G1 4AL. You can also donate to the Helping Hand Fund when making an online booking.