A note on booking confirmations and the availability of a crèche facility.
Whenever I receive a booking by post I always send a confirmation that we have received it. If you've sent a booking and not received a confirmation can you please email me at bookings@deleted, or write to us at BiCon 2006, c/o Glasgow LGBT Centre, 11 Dixon Street, Glasgow, G1 4AL. Some emails I've sent have bounced so I'd like to check if anyone hasn't received confirmation to ensure we are not missing any bookings.
I'm also looking into operating the crèche at this year's BiCon. Can I please ask that those who will be attending this year and wishing to use crèche facilities contact me at bookings@deleted whether you've already booked or are about to? This is so we can look into the cost of the crèche to determine whether it's going to be possible to run it.