
Bookings are open

The bookings for bicon 2006 are now open. The form is located under the Registration section. If you have any queries please contact bookings@deleted

Creche Facility

Possibility of providing creche space

I am going to be looking after the creche space at bicon. I'm looking to find out what the take up for this would be if provided.

Could anyone who may wish to bring children to bicon please let me know how many children you may be bringing, ages, whether you'd like them to attend a creche and any other information you'd like us to know.

Can you please send this information to essbee@deleted


Bicon Team's Goals Set

Team's goals are set for the coming year.

In order to help focus the team and prioritise for the following year it was agreed a list of goals should be set. These were broken down into primary and secondary goals, which should be published so that interested parties (you) could read them and that the team would be accountable for their actions.

Primary Goals

1. To run a really fun event for the UK Bisexual Community.
2. To create a space where attendees can feel accepted, and be safe from persecution.
3. As much as we can, make the event accessible to anyone who wishes to attend.

Secondary Goals

1. To have a particular Scottish theme to the event.
2. To improve bi-visibility in Scotland.
3. To network with, and involve other LGBT groups in Scotland.

A wonderful BiCon in Worcester!

The BiCon 2006 team had a great time at BiCon 2005. We gave those attending a chance to pre-register, and booked 37 people, not including our own team!

Most of the BiCon 2006 organisers were at this year's BiCon in Worcester. For some of us it was the first BiCon, some the second, and some are old hands. For all of us, it was a great event – the 2005 team put in a huge effort to make the event a success, for first-timers and old-hands alike.

Thank you to everyone who talked to us at the event – we got a lot of great input from the 2005 and 2004 teams, and others who have run BiCon's before – but even more than that, we got a lot of great input from the many people who came up to team members and shared their thoughts and experiences of BiCon past and present. We're still digesting all the input, but we want you all to know how very much it was appreciated, and that we're taking all the feedback into account in designing next years BiCon.

Thanks also to those who offered to help at the 2006 event, in any capacity. It's a bit early to set up volunteer lists yet, but we're not going to forget who you are.

We made an offer to those attending to pay £5 to pre-register for BiCon, in order to guarantee themselves the "Early Bird" rate. 37 people took up that offer, not including the 2006 team. We think this is a strong sign of a big, well-attended, exciting, BiCon next year!

P.S. Thanks also to the unknown person who said "the girls on the BiCon 2006 team are hot!" – but we want to know why the male half of the team is not similarly appreciated!

Team head to BiCon2005

The BiCon 2006 team head off to Worcester for BiCon 2005. See you there!

(picture of BiCon 2006 Team Badge)

The team are off to BiCon 2005 in Worcester in the morning. We're hoping to see a lot of you there. And you'll be able to spot us, because we'll be wearing badges like the one you can see here.

Come talk to us, tell us what you love about BiCon, what you'd like us to do the same, or differently. Give us lots of input, and help us make the BiCon you want in 2006!